AdultsBack to Groups

Adult Groups include both men and women and focus on a variety of topics, activities, and seasons of life. Here is where you will find groups for singles, families, and couples.

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A Deep Dive into Scripture

Wed | Weekly
Have you ever scratched your head while reading the Bible? Have you ever thought that God was a jerk? Or confusing? Or that he contradicted himself? Me too! And maybe all of that keeps you from diving into the scriptures on a regular basis. I've been there. This study is for people looking to dive deep into the Bible. For those who want to wrestle with scripture...confusing parts and all! We started in Genesis and go verse by verse through everything. This small group's focus is on Biblical Literacy, and its aim is to help you understand God on a deeper level. The more you understand the Bible, the more your confidence in God and His words will grow. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, whether you love referring to literal Hebrew translations or prefer to nap through it, and whether you think you have the time or not---come out! Because if nothing else, there'll be food.
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A Refuge And A Shelter

Sat | Twice a Month
Helping the homeless through action and prayer. God seems to have a special fondness for orphans and widows, and in today’s society we believe that translates to the homeless, simply because they are the most vulnerable among us. James 2:15-16 “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?” We see the homeless everyday and we can make a difference!
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Biblical Citizenship

Sat | Weekly
Now more than ever, our nation is in need of Biblical citizens who grasp the dynamic unity of citizens of the Kingdom of God and citizens of this great nation! This course offers the quick-start guide to the longest-standing Constitution in history, complete with an overview of all the Articles, and Amendments. What sets this apart from other U.S. Constitution courses is the interactive, fast-paced presentations; the fabulous locations of Independence Hall and the Wallbuilders' Library; and finally our Biblical heritage intricately woven throughout the entire course! You will learn how the founders relied on their Christian moorings and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. You will also be treated to encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are not taught in our educational institutions today. All in all you will be edified and equipped to operationalize your faith and practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America! Being biblical citizens require a knowledge of biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. This group meets in person 2pm - 4pm February 17th through March 6th Registration link:
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Brazilian Small Group

Tue | Weekly
Grupo de Brasileiros na Celebration Church - Falamos português e teremos um tempo juntos para nos conhecer e falar da palavra de Deus. Venha nos visitar! Brazilians at Celebration Church - We speak Portuguese and will meet to talk about God's Word.
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Burnet Small Group

Leander / Liberty Hill
Wed | Twice a Month
A small group of Celebration members that live in the Burnet area. Will be studying the book "Frequency: Tune In. Hear God" by Robert Morris
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CA | Cedar Park/NW Austin | Young Married Couples

Central Austin
Tue | Every Other Week
Married couples under 40 meet at the White house every other week.
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CA | Manor Small Group

Central Austin
Sun | Twice a Month
We are hosting a bi-weekly small group in Manor for people who live in our area. Each meeting will include a potluck and scripture study. Our goal is to help each person attend belong, believe, and become all God created them to be. We plan to begin September 15th and meet bi-weekly until November 17th, then resume in January. Meeting time is 5 p.m.
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CA | North Austin Young Singles + Couples

Central Austin
Tue | Weekly
We are a diverse group of both singles & couples in their 20s & 30s. The purpose of our Small Group is to create a safe & encouraging space for Authenticity, Accountability and Apprenticeship to Jesus. You can expect fellowship time, snacks, worship, Bible study & prayer. We can't wait to meet you! :)
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CA | Round Rock/Hutto | God and Games

Central Austin
Sat | Varies
Come join us for a time of community, fellowship, and board games. We will meet from 4:00 - 6:30pm on the following dates for Spring 2025: February 15th March 8th March 29th April 19th May 10th
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CA | Southeast Austin | Young Married Couples - Medart

Central Austin
Wed | Every Other Week
Married couples under 40 meet at the Medart house every other week.
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Cedar Park Couples Small Group

Tue | Twice a Month
Come grow and learn how to have Ephesians 5:22-33 in your marriage. Love & Respect are the core values needed for developing and sustaining a healthy marriage. Whether you’re engaged, newlyweds or have decades of marriage experience , happily married or struggling to stay together, this group is for you. We will have time for food and fellowship. No childcare is provided.
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Celebration Families: Sam Bass Rd/1431 - Leander

Fri | Weekly
The desire of our small group is to build a community where people feel safe, cared for, and loved through the reading of God’s word, prayer, and connection. Community is key to enabling continual growth as a believer in Christ. The bible teaches; “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken”. Our group aims to have fun, learn, and grow together in Christ. We look forward to seeing you soon, and YES, families of all sizes are welcome.
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Celebration Jeeps

Sat | Monthly
A community of Jeep owners that can come together throughout the year and fellowship with one another.
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Celebration Riders

Sat | Monthly
Motorcycle enthusiast who enjoy riding safely as group. Mostly destination day rides including a meal out with fellowship and prayer. Occasionally an overnight ride for further sight seeing destinations. Meet and ride as a group once a month.
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Creative Single Ladies 40s 50s 60s (Jarrell/GT)

Sat | Monthly
Finding yourself single later in life brings a new set of challenges. These challenges can be met head on with a community of Christian women walking along beside you. A community to give you strength, friendship, an open ear and sweet prayers. Encouraging each other, as we trust God with our journey and embracing our singleness. This group is created for those courageous women. A place to escape once a month and laugh around the table, while we create and find a moment for ourselves. There's no requirement to be a professional artist. Just the willingness to laugh and learn with sweet friends. Each month, I'll come up with an art project and incorporate biblical principles. For the moment, we'll start in my garage. But as we grow and the seasons change, we may create in the park or hop around to bigger spaces.
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Deaf Sisters and Brothers for Christ

Var | Varies
This is a small group for Deaf and fluent ASL. We meet quarterly for prayer, Monthly at a Georgetown/RR location, and Weekly via Zoom during Study Semester (Spring/Fall) We gather to study the bible and for fellowship.
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Epic of Eden | Co-ed Bible Study

Leander / Liberty Hill
Tue | Weekly
This is a study of God’s redemption story of mankind, and as believers it is our story, our heritage. Through this 12-week video series we will gain a rich understanding of the context in which the Old Testament was written; help make sense of and organize the parts, pieces, and stories we’ve accumulated over time; and discover the present-day implications of Scripture’s big story. Whether you are a new believer trying to understand the basics of your faith or someone who has been a Christ-follower for years, come, learn and be encouraged how God is leading us back to Eden.
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Faith, Fun, and Friends Singles

Fri | Twice a Month
Single Adults 30+ Game Nights, Arcades, Fun Events
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Financial Peace University - Onsite

Wed | Weekly
Take the class that’ll teach you step-by-step how to budget, beat debt, invest wisely, and take control of your money!
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Financial Peace University - Round Rock

Wed | Weekly
Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson, money-management class taught by America's most trusted financial expert, Dave Ramsey. Dave and his teaching team will walk participants through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more. We will meet weekly to discuss the lessons.
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Fortaleciendo la Fe

Wed | Every Other Week
Estaremos repasando el mensaje del fin de semana, para ver como aplica a nuestras vidas. Starbucks, Round Rock on University
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Going Deeper | Couples Group

Leander / Liberty Hill
Sun | Twice a Month
A group to encourage couples how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, listen to Him and walk in obedience to whatever He tells us. For those with the desire to grow deeper in their walk with Jesus and with each other, so they can be “Grounded in His Word and Empowered in His Spirit”.
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Granger, Bartlett, Taylor, Walburg Area Adults (Singles/Couples)

Sun | Monthly
For this discussion oriented Bible study we share food, faith, fun and fellowship at our location out in the rural northeast Williamson County area between Jarrell, Walburg and Taylor. We meet routinely 5:30 to 6:30ish the first Sunday each month. At times we move the date for holidays and sometimes add a Sunday when the group wants to. Join us as we seek to be inspired to grow with each other through faith and by prayer.
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Homeschool Families of Tweens and Teens

Mon | Every Other Week
This small group is an activity based small group. The purpose is to provide community and discipleship for homeschooled middle school and high school aged kids and connection and growth for their parents. We will do meet ups at places that teenagers tend to enjoy. We will create opportunities to participate as a small group on Serve Saturdays. Parents will stay and fellowship together while the teens hang out and socialize. God placed this small group on my heart to provide an additional opportunity for homeschooled teens to socialize in a Christ centered group of peers. Please send me an email with any questions or to see where our next meet up will be. I look forward to meeting you.
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I Am New At Celebration

Sat | Twice a Month
** NOTE: Upcoming dates are: Saturday March 8th from 9:00 - 10:30 AM and 22nd. April dates are Saturday April 12th and Saturday April 26nd from 9:00 - 10:30 AM. I Am New At Celebration” is a fellowship/connect group for new members at Celebration Church or anyone who wants to get more connected and learn more about Celebration Church. It provides a space to meet and connect with other new members to help build community. Learn more about Celebration Church; Connection Point, small groups, about serving on the Dream Team or just relax and make new friends. 500 E. Palm Valley Blvd. in Round Rock. You will see a big Primerica sign out front. Please fill out the registration below and join us for fellowship and community.
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Joyful Noise Crew

Mon | Twice a Month
The Joyful Noise Crew is a GOSPEL MUSIC CHOIR that is all about singing different forms of Gospel music and performing throughout the community. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve never been trained to sing or if you are the best tambourine player in all of Texas! Bring your instrument, if you know how to play one. Bring your singing voice to the group gatherings, along with your willingness to serve the community. Let’s make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
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Leaning In

Fri | Every Other Week
Adult group meeting every other week on Friday at 6:30 pm, discussing notes from Pastor Joe’s current sermon. Mission: Leaning in to believe God’s Word and plan for us to be complete in Him.
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Liberty Hill Married Couples

Leander / Liberty Hill
Thu | Twice a Month
Join us as we go Higher in our relationship with God as married couples. If you are married and want to draw closer to God than you have ever been before, join us!
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Life with Littles

Wed | Weekly
We are looking to connect with other couples who have small children to build a sense of community and grow together as families. Our goal is to create an environment that is fun, safe, and educational—offering families a welcoming space to gather, learn, and support one another.
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Living Waters Fellowship

Leander / Liberty Hill
Fri | Twice a Month
Join us to fellowship and grow in God’s word. We meet every second and fourth Friday of each month as a community of believers creating a safe and inviting space for everyone. Whether you're single, in a relationship, raising a family, or have kids. we can’t wait to have you join our group. Activities include Bible study, Games, and food to be provided.
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Marriage on the Rock

Mon | Weekly
We are a marriage group who meets in our home weekly on Monday nights. This semester we will be doing a study by Jimmy Evans called Marriage on the Rock. We will be starting February 17th.
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Married with Young Children

Thu | Weekly
We are Ryan and Ashley Vieira, we have 2 small boys and are here for others in the same stage of life connecting and walking together with Christ. This is a kid friendly small group so please bring your children to fellowship with us!
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Masterpiece Scooter Friends

Sat | Weekly
Named by my son Zai'Lious who is almost 4 and my co-leader, this group is for friends of all ages who have scooters, bikes, strollers etc. Join us Saturday mornings at 10 am weather permitting, we will build community for our children and with each other while we ride/walk along the safe sidewalks at church.
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North Young Married Group

Tue | Weekly
A place for young married couples to fellowship and grow their relationship with Christ.
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Parenting the next generation through faith and grace

Sun | Every Other Week
Raising the next generation can be challenging, especially when we are navigating our own past hurt. We all want a loving and connected relationship with our spouse and kids, but how do we get there if we feel burdened from pain from our past. God intended for our spirit to be His dwelling place, the Holy Spirit needs to make a union with our spirit to govern our soul and spirit in order to guide us through forgiveness and mercy to live out the life that God designed for us.
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Parents in the Trenches

Sat | Monthly
If you have school-aged kids and under - this group is for you! Parenting during this stage can feel isolating but we're here to link arms and do it together. No need to find a sitter - bring the kids! Kid-friendly locations will vary from month-to-month. Will we be interrupted? All signs point to yes. Our staple playdates are once a month on Saturday afternoons, weather permitting. Register to find out our next stop! This is a fairly relaxed environment. BYODJ (bring your own dad jokes)
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Pflugerville Celebrating Seniors

Mon | Monthly
Small Group visits at 9:45 AM-10:45 AM, every 2nd Tuesday of the month to meet the residents at Wells Point Lodge Assisted Living, Pflugerville. We pray and praise worship together, and fellowship. We are currently in need of an additional guitarist to join us.
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Pflugerville Small Group

Tue | Weekly
Adult Couples in the Pflugerville area: We are a co-ed group of married couples between the ages of mid 50s to mid 60s. We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in our home in the Pflugerville area. Currently, we are studying the HIGHER Bible Study provided by Celebration Church staff. Come join us as we all strive to thrive in 2025!!!
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Pinnacle Georgetown Married Bible Study

Wed | Weekly
Come for fellowship and bible study! no child care provided, 2 large dogs.
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Refined by Redemption | Marriage Group

Leander / Liberty Hill
Thu | Weekly
(No meeting time specified yet)
Marriage is a beautiful gift, but it is also a journey of growth, grace, and refinement. Refined by Redemption is a group designed for couples seeking to strengthen their relationship through the transformative power of God’s redeeming grace. Together, we will explore how Christ refines us—both individually and as a couple—through His love, forgiveness, and truth. We meet every Thursday at 7pm.
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Sign Language (ASL) ZOOM Classes

Thu | Weekly
Would you like to share the Love of Jesus with a community who may have never heard the gospel? In our area, Deaf and hard of hearing individuals are often excluded from activities only because of the language barrier. Join us, Expressions of Celebration, at any time of year for our sign language small group.  We teach ASL family-style with lots of fun and laughter. We welcome anyone, ages 12 through senior adults into our community. We are grateful that Deaf and hard of hearing folks help teach our classes which is a natural way to learn. Our free curriculum is at  Every week on Monday (for Beginner students) Thursday (for Advanced students), Our class always meets at this unique Zoom link:
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Singles 30+ Sunday Lunch Bunch Group

Sun | Monthly
This group will meet once a month after church for lunch and fellowship.
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Singles BBQ Aficionados

Var | Varies
Join other coed singles as we build strong bonds with each other through seeking Christ's presence, all the while working on our meat smoking skills, and exploring great new places to get slathered up with  good old messy Texas BBQ!
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Singles for Christ 30 Plus

Var | Twice a Month
Come celebrate/get awesome in Christ and join other Co-Ed Christian Single Adults (30 and up!) for various fun activities, stay in the word, serve and build Christ centered relationships to do life with. Join us for our JESUS Small Group Series this March and be inspired to grow in the knowledge of who Jesus is, in your relationship with Him, and in your confidence to share His Good News with others.
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Singles Hikers for Christ

Var | Varies
Please join us a couple of times per month on our path to gaining better physical health in the great outdoors, while connecting with like-minded hikers and reaching for a better relationship with our Savior!
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Singles Who Serve

Var | Twice a Month
This group is for professional singles in their 30s and 40s who want to give back, have fun and meet like minded people. Once a month with will go out and serve our community and once a month we will go out and have some fun.
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Ten Steps Towards Christ

Sun | Weekly
If you are a new Christian or renewing your faith in Christ, this group is for you! We believe that deciding to follow Christ is the most important decision you’ll ever make. We want to help you find out what’s next in your discovery of Jesus and your new faith. Join us as we go through the Bible and “Ten Steps Toward Christ” (book provided).
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Upper Room Prayer 🙏🏼🔥

Wed | Weekly
This coed group of business leaders meets weekly each Wednesday from 12-1 pm to intercede for families, churches, businesses, and our nation. Prayer changes things! 🙏🏼 We have a time of worship, devotion, discussion, and prayer together. Quarterly we eat together! Let Us PRAY!
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