A Deep Dive into Scripture
Have you ever scratched your head while reading the Bible? Have you ever thought that God was a jerk? Or confusing? Or that he contradicted himself? Me too! And maybe all of that keeps you from diving into the scriptures on a regular basis. I've been there. This study is for people looking to dive deep into the Bible. For those who want to wrestle with scripture...confusing parts and all! We started in Genesis and go verse by verse through everything. This small group's focus is on Biblical Literacy, and its aim is to help you understand God on a deeper level. The more you understand the Bible, the more your confidence in God and His words will grow. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, whether you love referring to literal Hebrew translations or prefer to nap through it, and whether you think you have the time or not---come out! Because if nothing else, there'll be food.